I save cards. I don't know why. I don't go back and look at them much. They're just accumulating in a box. I like to save Christmas cards. I put special cards in my journal, so it's kind of a scrapbook in a way.

Ever since we went digital with our cameras I haven't had pictures to put in the photo albums. Sad that such a convenience of advanced technology could very well bring about the extinction of photo albums.

For my daughter's wedding, all the pictures were digital. We used an online service http://www.shutterfly.com/ to have them printed out in various sizes from 8x10, to 5x7, to the 4x6 size for albums. They did a really good job.

As far as being a packrat, I plead guilty. Every few months, I try to go through things and discard as much as I can, but it still accumulates. I don't keep newspapers or things like that. But, I do have leftover supplies from my aromatherapy business that I can't seem to part with. And I have piles and piles of books everywhere that I can't fit onto my overstuffed bookshelves. I love books and refuse to give any away.

And then there's just stuff that takes up space. Like this: We bought an air pop popcorn popper for healthier snacks and I have no place to put it. So, it's sitting out on the counter and takes up space.

Just don't get me started on my office. I definitely am a packrat there. I keep these 4 inch binders full of story ideas. They're stuffed so full, I need more binders. Articles cut from the newspaper are all over the place. Waiting to be filed. I use the articles to spark ideas. My bills stack up waiting for me to scan them into the computer then I shred them.

I think I need help. LOL Isn't that the first step? Admitting you have a problem? Hello, my name is Vicki and I'm a packrat. There. I did it. Now, what's the next step?