The year I was married, a community action type group was just starting a women's chapter in our rural community. I joined, and spent about 10 years volunteering with this group. We did projects that benefitted everyone from babies with well-baby clinics, to youth with bussing to swim lessons and babysitting clinics to seniors, helping to raise money for their own building. It was really a busy time. It was a real blessing for me because I had just married and moved here from another state so this was how I found many friends and a close-knit group of women my own age. We are all still very close friends.

I also am a church organist and vocalist so was doing that full time along with directing a small choir and providing a children's music program in Sunday School. I continue to be on work group for funerals in two churches.

When my daughter died in 1994, everything came to a stop and I spent until 2001 when my youngest graduated from HS, just doing whatever I could to help my boys survive the loss and get through school. Then it was my turn to grieve and I'm still at it.

I've gone back to playing the organ one Sunday a month and funerals, am on funeral work groups and just help out with what I can where I can without long term commitments.

I started going to The Compassionate Friends, a self-help group for bereaved parents about a year after Missi died. Now I continue with the organization as newsletter editor and chapter leader. I now consider that my ministry. I figure I did my thing for the rest of the community during those early years.

I'm also our township clerk - with a salary of $140/year, I consider that volunteer, too!