Stacy - if you find a site that fits 20 to 30-somethings .... I'd be interested to know. I'm too old for the college crowd and too young to deal with grandchildren and other issues. I'm not even part of the Sandwich Generation yet, though I seem to be a condiment or a side dish sometimes. (Okay, this analogy is getting yucky.) I'm 33 years old and have lived a lot (lost my mother at 24, two mid-term losses between kids, and had more surgeries than I can remember).

Anyway, I'm a work at home mom and I've been doing this for 7 years to be home with my children. I don't use child care, day care or babysitters, and my husband works full-time plus over-time. I have yet to find anything "out there" that fits my lifestyle, but sometimes I find groups that have similar values. This does help.