You all are a treasure trove of info on how to deal with telemarketers. I'll admit - until Spam telemarkers were my number one pet peeve - then spam became number one - b/c of the WASTE of time. I turned spam into writing inspiration so made "peace" with this thorn in my flesh - so back to telemarketers as being my number one irritant.

Anyone else on do not call lists and they STILL call your number? I eventually got tired and created a spreadsheet that I click on immediately when the company identifies themselves I scan through the sheet, tell them that they called on such a such a day at such and such a time and I told them then that I had no interested in being bothered and please do not call back. I ask them if they enjoy lawsuits, and let them know I sure could put the extra money to use from the judgment awarded for their harassment. There IS that green ski-do, the honda goldwing I want, and let's not forget the 67 mustang convertible - plus I still haven't finished my reading room, oh, and yeah, a whirlpool outside would be awesome.

Usually after I become that much of a uhm...booger, they don't call again.

I hate getting that ugly with people though.