I thought I should share this, after yesterday's post. I had been out yesterday evening and got home a little before 8. It was already getting dark and I put out the trash and came in and locked the doors.

About 8:30 I heard a vehicle outside, then footsteps on the porch and a knock on the door. It really startled me because I don't have much company and especially unexpected company after dark.

I called through the door asking who was there but no one answered. That concerned me and I hadn't yet cracked the door to see who was there when the phone started ringing.

That suspcious writer mind of mine thought, "Oh no, the neighbors are calling to warn me that there's an ax murderer on the porch!"

Of course the phone call was totally unrelated and I heard the vehicle leaving. Somewhere in all of that I happened to remember that I had ordered a book from Amazon and that UPS runs fairly late in my neighborhood.

Sure enough...there lay my book on the porch...by the door...no ax in sight!

Now if this forum can get my imagination that riled up...you see why I don't watch TV!
Jane Carroll