I agree that the "too much" is a very subjective definition that will not only differ for each person, but will change from one day to the next, depending on circumstances and mind-space.

A year ago, I was definitely "too" reclusive. I knew it. I knew I was withering away in here and that I needed balance. It was hard work, and took guts and discipline (and lots of wisdom and support from everyone here), but I slowly got myself out the front door and back "out there" for walks and shopping.

Now, I stay indoors almost as much as I did a year ago, but now it's MY CHOICE - and it's no longer "too much". Reclusiveness has changed into solitude - but I also can recognize now when the solitude has changed back into reclusiveness withdrawal and becomes "too much" for me. I'm also recognizing that that fine line between "too much" and "just right" keeps changing as I keep growing (and/or regressing) in my ability to both enjoy getting back out there and to equally enjoy my solitude in healthy serenity. The balance will be different for each person.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)