Thank you for reminding me that he still is Mr. Wonderful.
It's not even been two years yet and we've already been through a lot. We've dealt with death, aging parents, kids, moving, remodeling, illness, surgery, and now what seems like never ending recovery.
I had no idea how debilitating this surgery would be. I would never have survived without him. He took off work to take care of me like a baby for a week after surgery then came home and fixed dinner every day until a couple of weeks ago when the swelling finally stopped and I got a walking cast.
He made chili for Christmas dinner and wrapped all the presents. He got the white lights on the tree and when he couldn't figure out the decorations, he just added a lot of colored lights. He called me from work several times a day and came home exhausted to fix dinner when I couldn't.
He bought the weirdest stuff when he was grocery shopping, but he got it done. And when I absolutely had to get out of the house he loaded me and the wheelchair into the car and we laughed like idiots as he wheeled me through the gift shops. He drug the wheelchair, coffee, cookies, and me to the poetry reading. He applauded and told me I was wonderful.
We've laughed and cried, agreed and argued. And through it all, we've had fun and made love.
Thanks for helping me remember to count Mr. Wonderful among my blessings.