Meredith, you certainly did get a lot done in January.I noticed gardening on the list. Oh how I wish I could be diggin in the ground, early in the morning especially.
My resolution was to quit smoking and not gain weight in the process. I have cut down to no more than 3 cigs a day and lost four pounds by changing my eating habits. Curves is keeping me stress free. I enjoy posting in the BWS forum and being with birds of a feather.
Pats on the back to you Meredith. Did I read somewhere that you were vegeterian? Maybe not, but I am thinking about it. I am taking my resolution slow and simple. Stress free is the only way for me.
I will continue to try and cut back on the cigarettes while exercising, eating healthy and reporting in the diet forum. I glue it all together with prayer.
Now if I could only get Optimized and start a cleaning frenzy. Optimum wanna come visit me for a week? I have the energy, just don't have the desire.
Who else had resolutions?
