This is off topic, but your post just reminded me so much of my Daddy I just had to write it down. Daddy died three years ago and one of his most prized posessions was a model truck that I bought him. It was the same as one he had and planned to restore. He never got the real truck restored, but he loved the model and used it as a prop to tell his friends about his truck.

My mother returned the model to me on the day of his funeral and I carried it to the church. I gave it to the funeral director and he put it on Daddy's casket. It was just so symbolic of Daddy's spirit. It took everyone's breath away. Now it is on a shelf in my den. I think of Daddy every time I see it.

My Daddy loved cars, especially old ones and it was something I shared with him. I took him "junkin'" a lot and bought him a Model A just like he had when he married Mom for their fiftieth wedding anniversary.

I can only imagine what your buying that tag meant to your Dad. You will be able to treasure the image of it on his desk forever in your heart.