I totally agree with you Toni and Thistle. An additional thought that comes to mind is that Jesus threw over the tables. I don't think he physically attacked anyone. Might be a good lesson for all of us to take our anger out on inanimate object rather than other human beings.

It is so sad that we seem to have lost the value of being nice just for the joy of it. However, maybe we all need accountability too. A friend says that started when men stopped carrying guns in thier belts. He when all men had guns, everyone was a lot nicer to everyone because if they mistreated another man, he might shoot them and if they mistreated an older person or a child or a woman, they also ran the risk of being shot. I think kids learned about guns and to respect them early back then.

We are probably too far gone to benefit from that kind of thing today. It would probably lead to chaos and anarchy.
Just thoughts. I wish there were more nice people in the world. And I wish I was nicer too. Even on bad days.