I too have been in both these situations. I've worked in the office as well as at home. I actually like working out of the house. Let's be honest about working in the office -- there's a LOT of time wasted there. There's a lot that has to do with office politics, useless meetings, parties with sugary treats for any excuse, etc. In the US, probably most 9-5 jobs could been done a lot more efficiently, in much less time. It's just a convention that we HAVE to be in the office 5 days a week, during "work hours." In many ways, it's much easier than doing the mom at home with kids routine. I agree that if you're doing everything then you have to lower your standards about something. The most logical place wuld be housework. How can you lower your standrads about child rearing or about what you're being paid to do, if you want to keep your paid position. And let's be honest again here -- most women in the US are still responsible for kids and house, even if they have full time jobs. The best thing any of us can do is to have friends (and family members) with whom to trade and to share, childrearing, errands, etc.