For the most part I have been a full time homemaker since my first son arrived 18 years ago.

Other than a 3 year, part time stint with a job at my church, I have done the mom, hubby thing for a very long time.

I am now balancing the full time job and mom/hubby thing and I am feeling crunched.

I know I have to delegate more, but it is a hard transition. I actually liked being a stay at home mom, but decided it was time for this woman to branch out.

Any ideas on keeping my sanity and branching out. I tend to be getting less sleep in order to DO IT ALL!

Fall will help because I won't be squeezing everything in while the kids are home like I am doing this summer.

Why do I feel guilty when I have to tell my kids that I am working and can't run them to a friends, take them shopping, drive them here and there, etc.?