Originally posted by kidogo:
Dear Lord,
So far today, I am doing all right.
I have not gossiped, lost my temper, been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or self-indulgent. I have not whined, complained, cursed, or eaten any chocolate. I have not charged on my credit card.
But I will be getting out of bed in a minute, and I think I will really need your help then.

I've been following this thread all along, but haven't had much energy lately, so haven't been up to joining in much. But I loved this prayer and just had to thank you for sharing it! That is so me these days! It seems that I wake up with the best of intentions to live a good day, but within moments of rolling out of that bed, I stumble right over hubby's words and fall right back into old habits. Some mornings I even take myself back to bed, pray for awhile, then try to start the day over again. Sometimes that works.

As some of you know, I also suffer from chronic depression. I'd been doing very well until the past few weeks. I don't think it's full-blown depression, but I've been so lonely for some strange reason, even when hubby's around. I've been trying to keep it at bay by keeping busy, but sometimes it just overwhelms me (like today).

This thread's been helping a lot, and I thank you all for your sharing your journey here. Even though I haven't been participating much, I've been reading and soaking in the wisdom, and allowing it to ease away some of the aloneness that I can't seem to shake off.