Dianne, I'm sorry to hear about your cousins. The good news is they are reaching out to you. That is the first step in healing. They couldn’t have a finer, most loving relative to turn to. Sure it may be depressing, but knowing you can help someone is one of the biggest highs you can get. God has put you here for a purpose.

And oh yes, I know all about parents passing down their problems. I went through years of it with a mother who was undiagnosed bp as well. I finally as an adult read the book "Making Peace With Your Parents". I came to realize that she was doing the best she could, as a result of her upbringing. I talked to people and learned what a rough time she had as a child, trying to live up to two highly successful parents; her father involved with state politics, her mother one of the first female pharmacists. She was sent off to private finishing schools and had a miserable relationship with her parents. I forgave her and we made peace. Thank God, because she died 6 years later.

That book was some of the best therapy I ever had. The author, a doctor, even wrote back to me which further inspirer me. I'd recommend it to anyone.

As for the fools who harass and belittle, who judge, rant and rave or try to control those around them; they have their own problems and lack of self esteem. Why else would they be so eager to try to tear everyone else's down. Let's forgive them and prayer for their recovery.