Everyone makes mistakes and we have no right to judge each other. We also need to forgive ourselves for our mistakes otherwise we can never feel good about who we are. If we are able to forgive others for hurting us why do we beat ourselves up for our own mistakes?

Sexual abuse is such a hard thing to endure. My good friend is plagued by what happened to her as a toddler at the hands of a step grandfather. I have no doubt that some of her depression stems from this.

People who are true christians do not judge others. They donot spew false platitudes on people who have suffered.

When we admit we made a mistake then it's important to forgive ourselves and move on. It's true, we have got to like ourselves. It's true, if we don't like ourselves, others will not like us.
I'm very familiar with Patty Duke's story of her battles with depression.
In many cases of depression that I've encountered the depression was often caused by bad things people did to another person. The person with the depression didn't cause it.

Many so-called experts on mental illness agree that the brain is a very complex organ and it is almost impossible to understand the workings of it. They are not even certain how medications to treat depression work. If the "experts" aren't sure themselves, how can anyone else be expected to know with certainty? We are expected to trust our doctors to know and to treat us with the proper procedures. As we see, this isn't always the case and the person needing the right treatment suffers.