My sister and I chat online (she lives in France) and she told me this morning that her DIL, who is so precious and sweet and we all love her but...she suffers from mental illness. Bi Polar and some skitzo mixed in. Her father, who used to be a doctor, is completely nuts. Homeless. Her brothers are also out there.

She and my nephew have two beautiful boys. However, DIL has stopped taking her meds and has joined this crazy faith that believes everything is spiritual. So they have her convinced to pray, etc. and let them help her through this spiritual batte. And, they believe my nephew should also join the church to help her fight this.

She has gotten so bad, thinking that muscle spasms are either MS, Lupus or her father practicing satan worship and causing them. She's been going to doctors who have all told her nothing is wrong and finally a doctor sent her to a counselor who sent her to a shrink, who put her in a mental hospital for five days.

She's now out and continuing on her faith based healing and refusing to take meds. So my poor nephew works all day and comes home to this craziness.

My sister's main concern is she will be one of these people who claims God told her to kill her children or something. And my sis is in France, can't make the trip, so just worries, prays and lights candles in every church she sees. I asked if they could commit her but nobody seems to think she's a danger to herself or others. This is so freaking scary.