Vicki, it's wonderful that you do energy healing. And my experience (for myself as well as my clients) is that healing shows up [Frown] through whatever channel God wants to send it. One thing I love about this time of life is that I've let go of the need to be attached to one idea about healing. God is infinitely creative and gracious in the ways He provides healing, and we can grow more and more open in our capacity to accept it in all its manifestations. . .I also agree with Sherri, that finding the right therapist is an alchemical process: We have to find one who is respectful of us, and able to be caring while offering expertise. And I love the expression "stress rest." I've been knocked down this week with a tooth-ache. After months of driving too hard and trying to keep up with my practice while finishing my book, I've been a little ragged around the edges. While facing a root canal isn't my idea of psychotherapy, I'll be spending tomorrow and possibly the next day waiting for the endodontist to work me in. I'm in too much pain to see clients, and taking enough pain meds to ease it makes me sleepy. So I'll be gorked out, waiting by the phone--a kind of tooth-impost stress rest. .