
I can relate to you on this; there are times when being outside doesn't bother me at all and there are times when it takes a great deal of will power to go out. (When I do go out, it helps--the sunshine and being outside is uplifting.)

I don't know about you but if I don't inwardly think too much about it before going out, it goes better. What helps me when my nerves act up, is to have a plan--a goal--before I even think about going out and doing things.

Sometimes I make up a small list of what I want to accomplish or people I have to deal with. I do this the day before. Getting it on paper helps me to put it away for the night and then I know in the morning exactly what I want to do.

When I do this, my plans for the next day usually go pretty good. I make allowances in my mind (and on paper) for some things to not go as planned. Making these allowances for diversions makes it go better.

Would this kind of plan help you?