This is but an ironic topic here. Just today at the hospital during the long delivery of my sister's child, the trio of us privied to be at her side were asked to leave for a few. One third is this trio was a 15yr old pregnant young lady. The other, dear hubby.

Well, this young lady is very depressed about her condition, with good cause since she has no money and very limited education. The way she'd been tending to these sad feelings were to stay locked up in her room. She wanted to go into the lobby to wait. I insisted that we went outdoors. Of course she didn't understand my persistance, but once we were out, I explained the medicinal benefits of 'outdoors.'

As basic as I could get with her (a few other consderations too) I explained the sun. I explained that it helps her body absorb the nutrients her body needs to sustain. I explained the her need for fresh oxygen...and so forth.

As I explained this to her, I realized that I don't get enough of the same myself. I sat out today and sure enough, I left a few problems right there at my patio table.
