Sherri hon..give yourself some breathing room and allow your emotions to just be. Don't deny them like I did. I was under the impression that if I actually let all the tears out that I had been holding back since Daddy died, then it would be like saying goodbye and that would be the end of it. It was almost like I would be breaking my last tie with him and his memory if I cried. But cry I did, feel all the pain I did, and BE DEPRESSED I was...and you know what? Besides all of this terrible English I am writing here, I need you to know that I did start feeling better and the depression started seeping away...just a tad at a time, but at least I could tell I was sensing some "normal" in my go ahead, feel what you want to feel, but keep the outsides and the tanning things a part of your everyday life...your Daddy would want that, would he not?

Hugs, JJ