You know Dots, that is so true. Sometimes when I get so bogged down that I'm overwhelmed, I go outside because I know that smelling the air, feeling the OUTSIDENESS (yes, I know this is not a word) just has a way of splitting the inside woes in half. I usually just dabble, but it is therapy...amen to that.

Julie, when my children were small, I somehow would manage to find the time to lock myself in the bathroom, fill up the tub with really hot water, take a glass of wine or a cup of hot chocolate (depending on time of year and mood) and just lay in the soothing water and think...sometimes I would take a tape recorder and record my thoughts, other times I would just say prayers out loud and have a good old heart-to-heart with God, jawjaw style, and then sometimes I would just play classical music and listen and try and pick out a particular instrument and follow it, like a flute...okay, so you didn't know the Queen here likes classical eh? some of it...anyhooo...the point I'm trying to make it that the TIME was TOTALLY mine even though it may have only been 30 minutes or so, it was MINE...that help me to not loose ME. Make sure you don't loose the ME... [Big Grin]