I hate to sound like a fanatic about this, but I'm really excited about the new research I've found relating diet and health. I always knew there was a connection and I finally have a doctor who's interpreting the research for me and we're acting on it, even though my insurance won't pay for some of it.
Anyway, lately I heard that they believe that MS is related to intestinal candida infections, as are lupus and chronic fatigue syndrome, etc. Candida is a fungus that prevents your gut from absorbing nutrients correctly (leading to leaky gut syndrome, adrenal exhaustion, and worse). The early symtpoms can be subtle. I never really even felt sick, but only felt like I was slowing down, getting older, feeling tired, etc., plus gaining weight and not being able to get rid of it, which was new for me. I know we're going to be hearing lots more about this in the US.
My understanding is that doctors in Australia are much more with it. We have the AMA over here to contend with, and while that may be good for some things, it may not be so good for independent investigation of the truth about health care.
Candida can be controlled by controlling your intake of foods that it thrives on, at least temporarily. Then get on a diet that's less carbo oriented, like with more proteins and green vegetables. A carbo loaded diet includes grains, fruit, fruit juice, root vegetables like beets, carrots, potatoes. Candida also thrives on sugar, vinegar and yeast. Caffeine is bad for it too. Doesn't this sound like the typical American diet?