Okay boomer women. i know your out there. i know this because three in five of you (60 out of 100) have had this happen to them. That is, 3 out of 5 have reported it. so it's probley more. I am a victim of it. Are you? If not is one of your friends?
You are wondering what i am talking about. Incest. That ugly word that no one likes to hear about. the one that we who are the victims of hide behind.
Why am I telling you this? Because I would not allow myself to deal with it until I was 38. Why wait that long to claim your life back? Why not start to take it back right now. The best way to start that is to admit to yourself that it happened and then to tell someone. the best person is a professional therapist. but any one close that will listen could help. believe it or not, saying it really does help. And a professional could help you to start to get your life back and feel good about yourself. Incest is ugly, but not on the victim, but on the perp.