What has been amazing me is that I usually run away in great trembling and anxiety at the first sign of controversy or, as Chatty calls them, ruffled feathers in a social setting. And if I think that I'm the one responsible for hurting another person's feelings, well, that can put me in bed under the covers for days wondering how to make things right.

But this place and spending time here with you ladies has changed me. I might have felt like running away a few times, but unlike so many other times in my past, now I'm able to stop myself...because deep in my heart, I know that I belong here, this IS my home, and I'm NOT running away this time. This is where I want to be...and I too want to be a lifer, so I'm here to stay. No running away. Now if that's not healing-in-action, what is!

So please, whatever you do, don't kick me out today... [Eek!]