from Chatty: I notice that sometimes when I answer a post NO ONE comes in after me. I have also started posts NO ONE seems to read or want to join in on. I hope I am being paranoid yet this has been going on for awhile...I would appreciate your responses and hold no negative answers against you as I am looking for "help" here.
Chatty, I just finished writing another post under yours about the loneliness...it took me about 20 minutes to compose it, thus the delay. I also didn't want to overwrite it too soon, giving others a chance to read your post before mine took it over.

I think it might be a combination of paranoia and time constraints. I read most of your posts, but some (about pets and recipes) I just can't think of anything to contribute. I don't have a pet, and I might not respond to a recipe post until I try it out, which could be weeks or months later, so of course, I forget to post a response.

Chatty, I for one deeply value your presence and wisdom and postings here. My personal hesitation or inability to respond right away NEVER has anything to do with it having been your post...it's always to do with my time constraints, or my energy level, or my brainfog, or my ineptitude to contribute anything more meaningful to what you've already said. You DO post very wise and read-worthy posts, and some of us just may not feel adequately capable of posting a reponse that befits the wisdom you have already spoken.

I've only ever once seen you even remotely playing a "bully" role...it was many months ago, with someone who didn't appear to be able to listen to the advice that people were offering and you finally spoke truth to her. She was offended, but that's what the truth does to some people. I was uncomfortable with the rift that the ensuing argument opened, but then I was very new here and quickly realized that sometimes we do have to speak tough love to each other, and that this place will not be everyone's cup of tea. To preserve the safe environment, we will have to speak truth and let the listener decide if it's worth staying for or not.

Time is a huge issue. Not just for me, but probably for many of us. Somedays I only get on the computer for ten minutes, somedays for 5-6 hours. And energy/brainfog is another huge issue. Somedays I'm as sharp as a whistle, and somedays I can barely log in here, much less try to be wise and eloquent. I tend to hide those days. But NEVER does it mean that I don't value anyone else's opinion or eloquence here. My lack of response is because of MY problems, not because of anything to do with who has posted...especially you. You are near and dear to so many hearts here.

But I can't speak for everyone here, so I better shut up and let others have their turn. I consider you one of the mainstays of this community, one of the wise ones that we all see as a vital link and essential to the well-being and safe environment we all enjoy here.

Okay, I'm shutting up now. But let me know if you want to hear more from me...this is one topic I can elaborate on at length if you want...that's how much I admire and respect you.

[ August 27, 2005, 09:11 PM: Message edited by: Eagle Heart ]