Mystery shopping is when you go to a place of business and then evaluate their store, customer service, or whatever the corporate office wants to know about it. I have a rare day off today but still have paperwork to finish up from yesterday.

I love it, can pick my own schedule, take a day off when I want to, vacation when I want to. I'm free to accept or reject shops that come my way. It does take a while to get a return on your money as most shops don't pay till the following month. I started the first of June and started getting paid around the middle of July. Now I can't wait to get the mail to see if I get a check, check my e-mail to see if something has been direct deposited or put into my paypal account. I have one company that I get a check from every Monday.

My way of making some extra cash, and when my book comes out, I will use the opportunities in other cities to visit book stores and do some promoting.