Hi. I'm here because loneliness is overwhelming me and I need a place to come and connect with other women and plug back into life. I'm four months shy of my 50th birthday and am finding it very hard to fit in anywhere these days. I never had children of my own, which often leaves me feeling left out of other women's circles. I do have my hubby's delightful 4-year-old granddaughter to pamper, adore and brag about.

I've been suffering for over two years now from severe fatigue and joint pain, which can be so debilitating that it keeps me housebound for days at a time (today it's so bad I can hardly sit here and type). Over the past few months, I've felt more and more isolated, and keep catching myself crawling deeper into social hibernation. While I still have a few very close friends in the other province where we used to live, I have no friends here where we live now. Which makes it very difficult to leave that lonely hole...when it's just as lonely outside as it is inside.

But it's Spring. And Easter. And I believe in Resurrection, New Life and all that good news. I want to reach out and start connecting again. So I figure this is as good a time as ever to start, and so this is why I'm here.