Hi Dianne,

Oh boy can I relate or what. When I was younger and working in an office. I worked with this other woman who befriended me. We used to go out to lunch together and then became friends outside of work.

It didn't take her long to belittle me, and to do so in front of other co-workers. In particular the male co-workers. She couldn't stand that I received compliments from them, nothing bad. Just you look nice today or something like that, and even compliments on the work that I would do.

Finally, after a few years I just couldn't take it anymore because she was bringing me down with her. I just treated her like a hot potatoe and dropped her. That was the best decision that I made at that time.

I would suggest to you that, not only to drop her, but to block her email address. That way you don't have to put up with insults. Even when we consider the source, it can still nag at us. So blotting her out will make you forget her in the long run. You don't need that aggravation.

Anyway, my 2 cents.
