Dianne, you don't need her. She has the traits of any abusive person: creating guilt trips, throwing things back in our face, dishonoring your success, disrespecting your space, insulting you, jealousy, and possessiveness. You would not keep an abusive man, so you have every right to end a friendship with an abusive woman. A friend who turned out to be toxic I ignored her calls and letters. In retrospect, I realized I should have given her the reasons for my need to distance myself from her. A decade later I developed a friendship with some one who was as toxic. She told me everything about me that irritated her, just like an unkind man would. When I realized this, I wrote her a letter telling her why I wanted to end the friendship. I don't know which way is the "right" way. Perhaps you could write a letter and not send it, just so that you have aired your feelings. During cancer, I had a bad fight with a good friend. We were both nasty. She said, "I've never seen you this way before." I said, "I never had cancer before." This friend and I were able to return to our real love for each other, and after surviving my cancer, I know we will survive anything. You deserve friends who support your success, not degrade it due to HER envy. Love and Light, Lynn