Actually everything went well until we got home. They had a storm here while we were away. Siding blew off the barn and the RV garage. Lots of branches scattered across the lawn. It was 30 degrees colder than where we were the night before. I unlocked the house and took the dogs inside. Billy unhooked the trailer and car. The RV, still in the road, locked itself with both sets of keys inside. Saturday at 4 P.M., no locksmith within a 50 mile radius would help. So Billy had to break a window to get inside. He had to get it out of the road. We're in the country on a two lane. It had to be moved. But the trip was good. And all else was fine. Am grateful our cellar didn't flood, since the electric had been off for I don't know how long. Gotta take the bad with the good. So, so be it!