Kind of tiring to hear that boomers are viewed as selfish...when who provided the millenials the toys, their own bedroom, trip to Europe after university graduation (never happened to me nor any of my friends who were from wealthier, yet middle class families), etc.?

Boomers schlepped their kids by car, to all their soccer/hockey, swimming classes/games, etc. It makes me cringe when a former manager had to wean her adult child from a car ride to her workplace which required the mother to take her lunch hr. to do this!

What the millenials might want to blame boomers...for being overprotective to their children.

No, selfish is not useful,meaning adjective. After all, who is going to pay for long term nursing care: Most likely the boomers, unless they've allowed themselves to be bankrupt by their adult children, etc.

I guess every arising generation tends to step on the heads on the former generation.

Edited by orchid (04/22/15 08:17 PM)
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)