OMG!! I told you weird grilled cheese sandwiches have been popping up all over my email this week. Here's the latest!

And no I am not going to try making this monster. I am categorically against hot dogs - and don't even get me started on corn dogs. My husband loves them, and about once a year I cave and let him add a box to the grocery list. (It saves on hearing the whining!) Of course, he then has to eat them totally by himself.

But this hot mess not only has grilled cheese and corn dogs as ingredients, it's also coated with Doritos crumbs.

Sounds like Superbowl food. Enough said!

Oh but it wasn't enough! I went WAAAY BACK and looked at the original post which is courtesy of some guy called the Vulgar Chef. I wanted to advise you not to do as I did. The guy IS a master of vulgarity. And words we do not say here...

So please be warned.
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.