At this time, my 71-yr.partner (who still cycles daily) is in Toronto helping his son-chef, launch his first shop in Toronto -- a sandwich and butcher shop.

So every day this week, dearie cycles daily from his hotel to the shop to stand around for 6 hrs. to handle the cash, plus bike around to do errands for his son --stationary supplies, municipal licenses, etc. He's happy to build his daily exercise in this practical way.

I can see that he LOVES getting involved in helping launch a business and also non-profit organizations (he's helping steer formation of a national organization on cycling intrastructure, plus provincial organization on cycling tourism..). He happily gets to use his expertise in contracts negotiation and analysis, business financial modelling and business planning but above he loves helping people articulate their visions and set plans to make dreams come true.

He's also setting up his son's e-commerce website..which was helped when I taught him how to blog awhile ago and in general being the computer technician by setting the computer equipment (weigh scale, cash register, accounting software).

So age is redefined, not always in the body, but in attitude of enthusiastically learning and looking forward to help the next generation. This alone keeps a person from becoming stale in attitude and stuck in a certain ways.

I enjoy hearing the stories from him, how the walk-in customers are responding. I believe he is now in a different stage ..with one of his children which is great to see.

Edited by orchid (05/31/14 08:31 PM)
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)