I agree with you, Orchid, that we need to taper off, as you said. But not give up.

My mother, who is 84, told me about a year ago that her trainer -- not sure if it was tai chi or water exercise, or one of her other physical pursuits -- told her to consider the mantra: "If I did it yesterday, I can do it today and I can do it tomorrow."

But keep in mind my mother is not climbing mountains or running marathons. She often uses a walker, and carries oxygen with her everywhere she goes -- including the symphony and the pool.(I'm pretty sure her fellow orchestra attendees would prefer she not use the oxygen during the performance. Apparently her oxygen generator makes noise.)

I've told her she needs to consider these fellow orchestra-goers. After all, they too paid good money to hear fine live performances. This makes her so sad, as attending the orchestra is one of the highlights of her life.

I wish there would be soundproof rooms in orchestra settings, sort of like some churches have for families with noisy kids and babies. Where noisy people like my mother could be segregated off with those who are prone to cough, etc. Seems that if there were such rooms, EVERYONE could enjoy the music in peace.
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.