I just read an interesting article written by a college student. The author was reporting on a presentation made by a 101 year old woman to a gerontology class.

It's an interesting article, and I've shared the link above. Back when I was in grad school is when I became interested in gerontology, and actually did my MS thesis interviewing 100 women who I lovingly referred to as "my little old ladies."

But I never got the chance to interview anyone that old.

So I'm just curious, as we're all a bit older than the typical college student, what would we have asked "Dorothy" if we'd had a chance to listen to her?

What would you like to know?

(And by the way, she looks a lot like my Grandma Gertrude, who lived well into her 90s.)
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.