I agree Mountain Ash, I loved those years too, not that there wasn't stress but it was different. I wonder if it was because we were younger and still had so much of our own lives ahead of us, there wasn't that pressure to do something before its too late. Not that I'm too old now but you do reach an age when you see how fast the years have gone by and know that future years will go by just as quickly. I guess it's that whole seeing your own mortality thing (lol). Also I think we all have a picture of what we think life will be like at each stage and when life doesn't match those expectations it can be difficult to rectify reality with our expectation. I have earnestly been working on living in the present, enjoying, accepting and being grateful for each day as it comes. It's a daily struggle and I have to keep reminding myself I am where I'm supposed to be at this moment, I tend to be a planner and a bit of a control freak and letting go is my goal for this year. As you see by my initial post I have a long way to go smile. In stead of making a resolution this year I picked a word for the year that I thought would benefit me and what I came up with was BREATHE. So every time I start feeling stressed or something I planned doesn't work out quite right I remind myself to breathe - deeply and slowly. It helps to break that cycle of 'think/worry, think/worry' and really clears my mind. And Eagle Heart I think I have forgotten how to take care of me, I've been so caught up in the caregiving role, nursing/parenting/etc it gets to the point that its all you know. I absolutely need some me time doing something I enjoy, as a matter of act I just caught up with an old friend and we are having lunch today, something I haven't done for quite awhile. Well again, thank you ladies I've really needed this!