Welcome to you, Gettingittogether!

My you do have a challenge on your hands, don't you?

If it is any help to know that others have experienced some of your life challenges, you will get some of that sort of help here.

I'm not sure that anyone else who frequents the forum has sold their home and the majority of their belongings and moved into their RV -- but I do know someone else who has done this. A friend of mine, Gina Gaudio-Graves and her husband Bill did this a number of years ago.

In their case GGG as I call her, had been given a death sentence -- told she had only months left to live. Gina and Bill decided to take those months and spend them together, seeing parts of the country they had always wanted to visit. So they have done this -- seems like for about 10 years now.

They're on perhaps their 3rd RV, but they love the RV life, and it seems to agree with them. In the meantime, Gina, formerly an attorney, has become quite well known as an internet marketer. She's discovered that she can generate a significant income working from her RV. And these days, she also coaches other people in how to succeed as an internet marketer.

As you may have discovered by now, there is actually a growing culture of permanent RVers.

It seems to me that you can use your full-time RV lifestyle to your advantage. Spend some time with your daughter, and some time where you are, caring for your mothers.

Hope to hear more from you soon!
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.