I've debated about posting this story, but decided to go ahead so here goes. Last night around 10:30 (after taking my daughter's boyfriend home) she and I stopped at CVS. Where else? [Wink]

While I was picking out toilet paper(of all things) this very attractive, clean cut African- American man approached me and simply said,"I wanted to pay you a compliment. You're beautiful".

I smiled and said,"Awww, thank you". With that, he disappeared.

I was flattered and wished I had a chance to tell him what a kind thing he had done.

Of course I kept thinking about it and came to the conclusion we should all do this more often. I hand out compliments left and right, but I've never told a total stranger of the opposite sex they were handsome. I talk to everyone while I'm out. I tell people they have beautiful children, I compliment women on their clothes, hair, jewelry, etc., but I've never been so blatant and told a man he was handsome. He wasn't trying to pick me up. He wasn't flirting. He just said something kind and left. Isn't that nice?

When I got home I looked in the mirror and my hair was fat from the weather, my makeup was worn, and I didn't have a stitch of lipstick left. Hmmm, he thought I was beautiful. Isn't that nice. [Wink]

I posted it here because we were talking about flirting and thought it tied in. I also wanted us to consider the power of our words. We can use them to build one another up, or put one another down. Here's to boomer women building others up! [Big Grin]

I think you're all beautiful!