I have been dating a man off and on (mostly on) for the past dozen years. We are best friends, even though we live in different cities. Other than over the Christmas holidays, I am the one who does the driving so we can be together. I am retired, he is not. But even when I was working a full time job, I was still the one who made the effort and traveled.

I recently lost my beloved 15 year old canine companion. Since I never had children, she was like my baby.

My boyfriend knew how hard this was on me, and how difficult going back into my empty house was going to be after the dog was gone.

He was off work for 4 days right after she died, and he didn't offer to come up and visit, to help me through this (a distance of 325 miles).

I can't help being distant with him right now because I feel like he let me down when I really needed him. Truthfully it hurt my feelings.

Am I making too much out of this?