Anne, thank you for sharing such a poignant story. I could picture your entire ordeal and related so much to the sudden loss of Lucky.

We had taken Shadow to the vet about a week before he died because we could tell he wasn't feeling himself. They did some blood work and thought he had some sort of autoimmune disease that was destroying his red blood cells. But, it could also have been a tick-born infection. So, they put him on antibiotics as well as steroids. He improved immediately and we were very encouraged. Then, he suddenly took a turn for the worse the following Thursday and we were getting dressed to take him to the vet first thing Friday morning, but he was gone before we could even get out the door.

Yes, losing Shadow was exactly like losing a family member, because he was and is family in every sense of the word. I cried for a solid week until I could finally get control of my emotions. But, I still miss him so much - every single day. Like you, he was my constant companion. Since I've always had my office in my home, he was a part of everything I did throughout the day.

And, Anne, he was such a clown! Honestly, he was our comic relief. He had this goofy grin and such a sense of humor. I've had some great dogs in my life - still have one: Smokey. But, Shadow was the sweetest, funniest dog I've ever know. He was downright silly. I am blessed to have had him in my life, which is what I have to remember.

Thanks for sharing and for opening the door for me to share. I think it's time for me to deal with this.

May dog angels be with you this day!
Marsha Roberts
Author of "Confessions of an Instinctively Mutinous Baby Boomer"