What wonderful news about your Mom, Anne! I understand her concerns about the radiation.

My brother died from Hodgkin's lymphoma...they were never able to get it, despite 8 months of chemo and an autologous stem cell transplant. It was a grueling journey for him. My understanding is that these lymphomas never really go away, they just go into remission for stretches of time. Same with leukemia...I know people who have lived with leukemia for several decades with no symptoms. But there's always the fear of it returning.

Even me, my cancer was caught so early that I didn't even need chemo or radiation, and the prognosis is only 3% chance of recurrence, which is amazing. But there's still always that niggly little fear of metastasis..which is what happened to my Mom despite a clean few years of remission after her breast cancer.

Sigh. It's a beast, this cancer. I'm just always happy to hear when someone has gone into remission. I'll keep her in prayers for continued strength and healing. It takes a long time, if ever, to get stamina and energy back in reliable levels.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)