We had a similar problem with a memorial page that my niece set up after my brother died. It had lots of members and fairly regular postings. But when FB switched over to the Timeline format, my niece didn't move the page within the timeframe, and so all of the members got dropped and even my niece can't get into the page to make any changes. Nobody can post or join or anything. Very frustrating. FB only sent one message out to my niece with the instructions on how to move the page, but she didn't get around to doing it and missed the deadline and now the page is useless. If that's what happened with Dotsie, then she wouldn't have been able to access the page herself even.

Do you know if the old page still has members attached or if anyone can still post to it? If not, then that's what happened.

Edited by Eagle Heart (06/24/12 02:17 AM)
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)