I did the same thing, Yonuh!

I have a side by side fridge/freezer and the other day I was so uncomfortable, I couldn't think of anything else to do except open the freezer door and stand there, basking in the outpouring of cold air.

In retrospect I bet my Dad, who was always hollering at us kids to close doors and not open the fridge to stare at the contents, would have had a fit if he'd seen me.

No one else knows I did this, except y'all! smile

By the way, I don't like the fridge/freezer - it came with the house. Each side is so narrow. i can't get full size frozen pizza into the freezer. I want one of those fridge/freezer combos where the fridge has french doors and the freezer is fairly large and on the bottom. Like these. Now all I need, apparently, is a bit over $3,000. Ouch!!
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.