I was in nursing school mid to late 60s and into the whole folk scene. I listened to Buffy, and Joan Baez, and Bob Dylan, and Donavan, Peter, Paul, and Mary, and all of the others like Pete Seeger, and Arlo Guthrie. I even learned to play a few of the 'anthems' on the guitar. Anybody remember "Alice's Restaurant", song and movie? Our local community radio station plays the song every Thanksgiving, and it still makes me laugh uncontrollably at Arlo's telling of blind justice and the 8 x 10 glossy pictures. I have seen several of the folkies in concert recently; Arlo is here in Tucson at least once a year for a concert with his kids and grandkids. Saw Joan Baez a couple of years ago - her voice is still pure and clear as it's always been. Good memories!
Well-behaved women rarely make history. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich