Hi Jabber,

I'm so sorry to hear that your credit card was compromised. It's happened to us several times recently, so I know what a pain it can be.

With us, both times our card was stolen this year happened at restaurants. The whole concept of paying at a restaurant is so out of our control -- we surrender the card to a waiter, who then totally removes it from our presence!

Don't know if that's what happened in your case.

But I recently read of a new wireless device designed for use by small merchants -- something that connects to a mobile phone or iPad type device that allows credit cards to be used by people like your cleaning lady - or even a Girl Scout who stops at your door to sell cookies. Maybe we'll start to see restaurant waiters using those in our presence -- and that might improve security. I don't know...

On the other hand, we could always go back to paying with cash.

Hope you get your new cards soon!
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.