Hi Jabber,

I'd probably choose Murphy's Oil Soap if I had to do a serious cleaning on my wood floors. And, I believe it can be used for the cabinets, whether or not they are wood.

I didn't know a lot about the stuff, so I checked it out online. Here's a good link: Stain Removal 101

When I was a kid we cleaned our floors with a dry, pine scented product that came in big metal pails -- Solvit, I think it was called. The stuff was green and we got it from my grandfather who sold it at his paint stores. It was very concentrated and we'd put something like a quarter cup into a big pail of water. That stuff was also a great degreaser and it cleaned just about anything.

But I don't see it sold anymore. Anyone else remember it?
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.