Hi Yonuh,

Thanks for posting this contest, I finally made time to go and look into it, as I used to just devour their fiction back when I was younger and had more time to read magazines:

The contest ought to appeal to all of us, since the assignment is to
Submit a short story, no longer than 3,500 words, to fictioncontest@goodhousekeeping.com. Your story should reflect an aspect of women's lives today. Please include the title of your story in the subject line. Submissions must be an original work of fiction, not previously published or a finalist for any other prize or award. Please include your full name, address, daytime phone number, and email address.

Read more: Fiction Contest - Short Story Contest - Good Housekeeping

There's still a bit of time to get something written, we have until September 1.

So sharpen those pencils, ladies!

Here's a link to all the rules: Good Housekeeping Fiction Contest
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.