I read a lot of books!

While I do some fun fitness on the WiiFit, I am reading Think and Grow Rich again. Listening to the audio.

I'm also reading Key to Living the Law of Attraction by Jack Canfield, which has been recommended to me for a couple years. Finally getting around to reading it! I like how this book has places to write your dreams, plans and purpose.

I tried reading Bridge of Signs but after about a third through I was so bored I put it down.

For fiction, I'm just starting Girl with the Dragon Tatoo. Not really that engaging at the start IMO but we'll see.

The Help is on my list to read too.

Mountain Ash, I am also researching my family tree, and it is really interesting. You really GET that we're all related when you start seeing that you come from EVERYWHERE.

Ronda Del Boccio, The Story Lady
#1 bestselling author, speaker, storyteller & mentor
changing the world one story at a time!