Welcome to the BWS forum, RSLilly.

I see you have made several posts since you joined yesterday, and it looks like you have lots to share...we're glad to have you join us, and hope you will become an active member.

Unfortunately I have to alert you to the fact that technically, you have broken the rules of the forum by soliciting the members for stories about their experiences with Osteoarthritis without FIRST introducing yourself to me and gaining my permission to solicit the BWS membership. (After which, I would introduce you and your mission to the group...)

However, since you have made about 6 posts, on a variety of topics, I am willing to give you my permission to proceed.

I'm sending this message publicly, rather than in a PM, so that any BWS forum member reading this will know that I have granted you permission to proceed. Good luck!

Edited by Anne Holmes (01/26/11 07:29 PM)
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.