Thank you Anne!

Rose, another thought rolling around in my head is the whole aspect of SAD - Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder. Many of us are affected by the changes brought on by winter, especially the ever-shortening of daylight. The lack of sunlight can affect our moods and make us lethargic and depressed. I've had SAD for as long as I can remember, though undiagnosed until my mid-20's. Now I know to compensate for it, by taking walks during the sunniest time of the day, by taking Vitamin D (that helps me a lot, I combine it with omega 3 and the combinations has effectively replaced my anti-depressant!). Sometimes even just knowing what is triggering our moods and lowness can help ease the heaviness of it all.

How are you doing today?
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)